RTS Environmental Services, Inc.

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Lead Paint and Lead Safety Advice

Renovation, Repair, and Painting RRP EPA / HUD

Lead Paint has been a concern for decades after it was discovered to be a significant potential Toxin for children in public housing and now when renovations and maintenance to paint causes disturbance to target housing (those with young children)

The general rule of thumb is to know that housing built prior to 1978 can have leaded paint.  Highest concentrations were more typical prior to 1950.The older the building, the more likely Lead Paint can be a potential contributor to hazards or exposure to Lead outside of drinking water.The components in most homes likely to contain Lead Paint are on Original wood windows and original painted doors and door framing. Therefore, painting contractors and those providing window and door replacement are on the front lines of preventing Lead Hazards.

Lead Paint Abatement became increasingly more expensive to the point where it was not feasible and therefore not practiced as often. The result was a joint commission of the US EPA and HUD which developed Best Practices for the RRP scenario which is when Lead Paint is more likely disturbed by contractors or homeowners. 

The following are links which provide further guidance and best practices:


